Die Europawahl 2019: Ringen um die Zukunft Europas, Kaeding, M., Müller, M. und J. Schmälter (Hrsg.) (2020), VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. [publication in German language]
A rise in voter turnout for the first time, a significant change in the majority and a major dispute over the Spitzenkandidaten process: The 2019 European elections were eventful like few before. This book offers an analysis of its many facets. It focuses on the European parties and the changes in the party landscape, the role of the lead candidates, the public debate, voter turnout and voting behaviour as well as an outlook on the new parliament. In addition to analyses of European research, perspectives from various sub-disciplines of (comparative) political science such as election, party, communication and government research are represented. You can find the article here.