The new research group on "Reconfiguring Europe – Between Competence and Control" invites applications for 8 Doctoral researchers (75%) and 2 Postdoctoral...
On 24 July, the article ‘Adaptation, Experimentation or Conservation? The Use of Differentiated Implementation Under the Energy Efficiency Directive’,...
On 13 August, the non-governmental organisation Democracy Reporting International (DRI) published its new report on the campaign for the European elections....
The Faculty of Social Sciences and the Institute of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen are looking for a new Academic Councillor.
The Institute of Social Sciences is seeking to fill a position as of 01.04.2026. The position is associated with the co-direction of the Institute for...
Consultation hours SoSe 2024
13.06 (9:00-10:00) | 17.06 | 01.07 | 08.07 | 15.07 | 29.7. | 5.8. | 19.8. | 23.9. | 7.10.
First come first served!
(No prior registration necessary)
Mondays 17-18:00
via Skype (chat – michael_kaeding)
Forsthausweg 2, 47057 Duisburg
Telephone: 0203-379 2050 / 2022
Fax: 0203-379 1910
Prof. Dr. Michael Kaeding
I have been Professor of European Integration and European Policy at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen since 2012. Since 2016, I have also been Vice Dean for Research, Transfer and Early Career Researchers at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
In addition to visiting fellowships at the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) in Maastricht and the Centre of International Relations at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and the Turkish-German University in Istanbul, I am an honorary board member (from 2016-2019 chairman) of TEPSA (Trans European Policy Studies Association), and a member of the Scientific Board of Directors of the Institute for European Politics (IEP) in Berlin.
I am currently coordinating two Horizon Europe projects, together with my colleagues Daniela Braun (ActEU, Saarland University) and Funda Tekin (InvigoratEU, IEP). The NRW-wide, cross-university debating format “NRW debattiert Europa“, which I initiated, is entering its 10th round in 2025. As co-editor of the “Future of Europe” book series, I am always happy to receive interesting suggestions.
My aim is to critically and constructively accompany and explain the process of European integration, the shaping of European policy and Europe’s influence on the member states.
Latest publications
The Chair of European Integration & European Policy at the University of Duisburg-Essen is very active in research. On the left you can find some of the latter publications by members of the chair.